Thursday, May 03, 2007


Mrs. Giggles reviews DIRTY SHAME.

You know, my next post was going to be all about the..errmmm...INTERESTING business practices and policies at Romantic Times Book Reviews. Had bunches to say about Carol Stacy's analogy that M/M romance is to romantic fiction what Yoga is to NASCAR. None of it nice.

But in light of this new development -- and by "new development," I mean MRS. GIGGLES GAVE ME AN 85, and GO READ THE REVIEW, because it's BEEE-YOO-TIFUL -- I believe I'll save my bitching and moaning for later. Who knows? Maybe by Monday, someone at RT will have taken the time to do actual market research and come to the conclusion that M/M romance is a good investment.

Nope, not holding my breath. Mottled blue still ain't my color.

DIRTY SHAME, available now as an ebook at Amber Quill Press, or in print later this month as part of my SIN STREET anthology. - Romance of Dubious Virtue


Blogger Jill Monroe said...

Congrats on getting such a nice review!

5/05/2007 7:58 PM  
Blogger Selah March said...

Thanks, Jill! :)

5/08/2007 8:54 PM  

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